Case Study: Wedow Road, Thaxted

Our Engineer Alan Griffin undertook the engineering design at this Croudace development in Thaxted. The development consisted of 55no. dwellings. The site was contaminated, steep at 7%, affected by PROWs and required a surface water attenuation solution.  Section 38 and 278 applications were required for the access road and a Section 104 and 106 application required for the foul sewer connection. Alan provided a full civil and structural engineering design for the site, got NHBC approvals and negotiated design approval for the statutory agreements. 

Alan was successful in not just designing a SUDS system but also getting it adopted by Anglian Water. The SUDS system comprised of cascading swales, a detention basin and French Drains. This solution presented a £55,000 cost saving over the previous proposed underground storage scheme. Furthermore despite the slope of the site Alan produced a levels design requiring no retaining structures apart from 300mm Gravelboard fences and minimised the required earthworks. 

Alan also provided expert assistance on site to get the S38 and S104 works on to maintenance. He also coordinated and agreed temporary diversions to the PROW for the work. 

The drafting work was undertaken in AutoCAD with modelling in PDS, MicroDrainage, and AutoTrack as required.